Fortnite di Epic Games, Siamo
a conoscenza di un problema che coinvolge dispositivi Android compatibili con la Beta di Fortnite. Se sei tra i giocatori convolti, potresti ricevere un messaggio di errore che richiede di entrare nella lista d'attesa..
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Ark Nova: World's First Inflatable Concert Hall (Pictures , Ark Nova is the brainchild of Japanese architect, Arata Isozaki, and British artist, Anish Kapoor. It was designed to tour throughout Japan, primarily in areas affected by the massive earthquake and tsunami of 2011 and currently resides in Matsushima..
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Capture a Screen Shot on iPhone 5 - iPhone iPad Wifi , This may work on older versions of I-phone, however for the I-phone 5 (pardon the pun), the steps are bass ackwards! You first need to press the lock button on the upper right corner of the phone and while pressed, the home button needs to be pressed!.
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